Sara and Zach come to Orlando continued

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3.18.09-41.jpgAfter a fun day on Sunday I had to head back to work, so Emily and Sara spent some quality time with the boys.  On Monday the four of them went to the playground, followed by shopping and cupcakes at the Waterford Lakes shopping area (had to give the boys some incentive).  We enjoyed a delicious home cooked meal that Emily made and headed to the playground again for the boys to play until sunset.  It really is amazing watching the boys use their imagination playing pirates and everything else while running circles around the playground.  We finished the night celebrating Emily and Hunter’s belated birthdays with gifts from the Toney family.  All of the gifts were loved and greatly appreciated.

Tuesday was St. Patrick’s Day so I met the four of them at Raglan Road for some authentic Irish food (ok we ate chicken fingers but it is the thought that counts).  It was a beautiful day so Emily, Sara and the kids spent the afternoon bopping around Downtown Disney.  The boys rode the carousel and the train and spent some31809-08.jpg time splashing around at the water fountain (or at least looking at it from five feet away).  The weather was absolutely perfect as the boys shared some ice cream and some pretzel bites (see images below).    After I returned home from work we enjoyed delicious Pizza Hut pizza followed by yummy shamrock cookies and green milk that a sneaky leprechaun left us.    After dinner we headed back to the playground to enjoy one last evening of sliding and fun.  Zach enjoyed his new pirate play set that gave him all of the necessary tools to become Captain Zach Sparrow.

Sara and Zach flew out on Wednesday around 12:00.  We all had a great time visiting with Sara and Zach and always feel that these trips go to quickly.  We look forward to seeing them again this summer when we go to Wisconsin.