The Topsy Turvy is rockin’

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topsy-turvy-1.jpgFor those of you who have yet to hop aboard the tomato planting craze are missing the pure enjoyment that is the Topsy Turvy!  We planted our tomato plant April 26th, 2009 and the plant has just taken off.  A few weeks back I had allotted time this weekend to take down the Topsy, pour the dead plant into the garbage and find somewhere to store this thing for 12 years until we tried it again.  I guess I will have to move the date back for that ceremony.

For those of you with a black thumb like myself, I highly recommend getting one of these things.  It says it is impossible to over water the plant which works well for my attentiveness and consistency.  So far we have about a dozen or so tomatoes that are making their way toward deliciousness.  We will photograph their final resting place in a salad of some sort.  Anyway, gardening is fun, at least for this week!